Reach out if you are curious about what the Cryo-Separation™, our water tech innovation offers, and with it, the potential to be a game changer for drinkable water access and protection of our resources.
We have discovered an innovating method of desalment as a new mean, and new way to provide drinking water to the largest number.
We are developing solutions inspired by, and respectful of, the natural equilibrium of our ecosystem.
Disruptive patented technology designed to address the key challenges of existing desalination solutions.
To extend the access of vital resources to the most with agility, efficiency and respect.
To respect our environments, federate competences and collaborate towards restorative evolution.
Technology as motor for growth, driving prosperity and inclusive sustainability.
We optimize methods with a performant energy exercise, and operational costs in line with a mondial deployment.
The agility of this new desalination method means that production can be expanded rapidly to meet a wider range of needs in situations of greater constraint.
We optimize the use of technology, when applied to the matter, to increase our water resource by way of desalement of seawater.
We perfect our competences and apply our skills to enable a deployment of fresh water access to the largest number of people.
Nicolas Zanese
Chief Technology Officer
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Hubert Montcoudiol
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Hervé de Lanversin
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Fabienne Berthet
Press Relation
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Pierre Andrade
Head Business Development
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Joëlle Klein
Chief Creative Supporter
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Reach out if you are curious about what the Cryo-Separation™, our water tech innovation offers, and with it, the potential to be a game changer for drinkable water access and protection of our resources.
Jusqu’au 24 décembre, découvrez en vidéo les visages, les sourires et l’énergie de ceux qui font battre le cœur de Seawards !