Reach out if you are curious about what the Cryo-Separation™, our water tech innovation offers, and with it the potential to be a game changer for drinkable water access and protection of our resource.
SEAWARDS uses a separation technology that filters potable water in the course of a cooling cycle. Through this method, the structures of salt and fresh water react differently when exposed to low temperatures.
Water becomes solid at 0°C, while salted water will start freezing at -2°C. This characteristic allows, during the cooling cycle, for a separation of matter which permits the extraction of water crystals as solid matter, while salted water remains at a liquid state.
Lower production costs. Reduced carbon emissions. Reduced exposure to energy cost fluctuations.
Discharge of water slightly saltier than water intake (never more than 10%) with no chemical additives.
Water intake
Glacification and separation
Fresh water recovery
The 3 stages of water treatment by Cryo-Separation™ (pumping, freezing, separation) consume less energy than reverse osmosis (pumping, push, recovery, treatment).
The agility of our methods allows for a quick development of production, answering to various level of needs, and adaptable with complex situations.
A solution which uses the natural properties of water, the density principle and separation by change of matter with the use of temperature without any chemicals.
There’s a way to do it better. Find it.
All of us, concerned by the challenges brought upon our world by water scarcity.
A solution that provides environmentally-friendly access to fresh water, in response to the constraints and undertakings of future restrictions.
An alternative resource to warant access to fresh water for seaside industries in times of shortage and crisis management, freeing them from dependence on a network already stressed by agricultural and domestic demands (or needs).
A palliative solution to the growing need for emergency solutions in the face of water constraints and respect for the environment, in order to perpetuate the seaside tourist economy.
An innovation based on adaptable, sustainable and modular development, to meet the vital and sovereign needs of remote areas weakened by water shortages.
Reach out if you are curious about what the Cryo-Separation™, our water tech innovation offers, and with it the potential to be a game changer for drinkable water access and protection of our resource.
This project has been funded by the Government as part of France 2030, operated by ADEME
Jusqu’au 24 décembre, découvrez en vidéo les visages, les sourires et l’énergie de ceux qui font battre le cœur de Seawards !