- Why Who Whom
- What How Whom
Answering to the real dangers already brought upon by the increasing water scarcity worldwide, the Seawards team is diligently working towards the deploiement of a innovating technology. Our dessalement technology offers a more efficient, scalable and clean option in comparison to the methods already in use. Our goal is to make potable water accessible to the largest number.
To address the key challenges of existing desalination solutions.
To extend the access of vital resource to a wider array with agility, efficiency and respect.
To respect our environment, federate competences and collaborate towards restorative evolution.
This project has been funded by the Government as part of France 2030, operated by ADEME
Jusqu’au 24 décembre, découvrez en vidéo les visages, les sourires et l’énergie de ceux qui font battre le cœur de Seawards !