Connaître pour agir

Seawards analyse les sujets phares du secteur en matière de gestion des ressources en eau et de dessalement de l’eau de mer. Nous vous proposons des articles documentés et pédagogiques pour mettre en lumière les enjeux liés au stress hydrique, les technologies innovantes et de développement durable


SEAWARDS is committed to fostering the harmony essential to life…

Innovating for a sustainable future: Seawards’ commitment to water and the planet 


minutes reading

Seanergy wins Innov’Eau Award backed by ADEME, France 2030, and the French Government. The teams at ADEME and the French government, after auditing our work programs and development plans, praised the strategic positioning of the Seawards project and the relevance of its R&D initiatives: innovating…

Reflecting on Seawards’ annual general meeting: toward a sustainable future amid water stress 


minutes reading

On November 26, Seawards gathered its shareholders at Kwerk Messine in Paris for a pivotal moment: its Annual General Meeting. In a world where nearly 40% of the population may face water scarcity by 2030, this event was an opportunity to reinforce our commitment to…

Camille Mangin : preserving marine life, a priority! 

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SEAWARDS – 2024 

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Democratizing seawater desalination to provide an efficient, economical, and environmentally respectful solution to the global water scarcity problem for the benefit of the many….

Seawards at the heart of the french delegation in Saudi Arabia: innovating for a sustainable future

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Seawards reinvents desalination to ensure sustainable access to fresh water while preserving the oceans and marine biodiversity.

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Seawards and Egypt: towards sustainable growth


minutes reading

On October 2nd, Seawards participated in a strategic meeting with an Egyptian delegation at a Medef International event. This meeting, attended by three ministers and the president of the Suez industrial zone, confirmed Seawards’ commitment to sustainable solutions for water access in Egypt….

Exclusive interview with Julien Moreau & Antoine Orsini !

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Two personalities, one shared fight. Get an exclusive first look at the interview with Julien Moreau, freediver and Seawards ambassador, and Antoine Orsini, hydrobiologist. They share their vision on the environmental impact of desalination solutions and the importance of protecting the oceans. Dive into this…

Seawards, winner of the INNOV EAU Call for projects

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Seawards has been selected as a winner of the INNOV EAU call for projects launched by ADEME (French Agency for Ecological Transition) as part of the France 2030 initiative….

Seawards on the verge of a new strategic phase: interview with Nicolas Zanese


minutes reading

Nicolas Zanese’s arrival at Seawards as Chief Technology Officer (CTO) signals a decisive shift. His industrial expertise will guide the transition from R&D to on-site implementation, playing a key role in preparing the next critical steps towards industrialization….

Notre calendrier
de l’Avent est là ! 🎁

Jusqu’au 24 décembre, découvrez en vidéo les visages, les sourires et l’énergie de ceux qui font battre le cœur de Seawards !