Seawards: cryoseparation in seawater desalination

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Formerly supported by Marseille Innovation, Seawards, founded by Hubert Montcoudiol and Hervé de Lanversin, is developing a new technology, cryo-separation for seawater desalination.

It contributes to the reindustrialization process underway in our regions. It’s a long-term process,” he says, “and industrial start-ups still face development challenges due to the difficulty of attracting financing. Industry remains an under-supported sector, due to a much longer ‘go to market’ than in the trendy digital sector… And on top of this, there are the significant financing needs associated with this activity. For Seawards, fund-raising in the seed phase was exclusively with private investors. Despite a technological proposal that responds to a global emergency, we were confronted with a lack of support from public authorities. Beyond these obstacles, the new developments of the France 2030 program are beginning to show the beginnings of some positive developments for the reindustrialization of France,” assures Hubert Montcoudiol.


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