Camille Mangin : preserving marine life, a priority! 

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The Seawards team continues to grow with exceptional talent. One example is Camille Mangin, a young PhD graduate who joined the team this fall with a critical mission: ensuring water quality and preventing harmful discharges into marine ecosystems. 

What is your role at Seawards? 

I now hold the position of R&D Researcher in Environmental Microbiology and Water Technology. My objective is to contribute to the development of innovative solutions in microbiology/ecology and water treatment technologies, which are critical challenges for the future. I defended my doctoral thesis last January at the Institute of Biosciences and Biotechnologies in Aix-Marseille, at the CEA Cadarache.

How did you come to join Seawards? 

I recently earned my doctorate in environmental microbiology and initially started at Seawards through a professional immersion internship before joining the team on a full-time basis. 

My mission? Ensuring that desalination activities respect surrounding marine ecosystems and minimize impacts on local biodiversity. This involves continuous environmental monitoring, including assessing the effects of pumps in collaboration with expert institutions, and observing or quantifying the daily impacts on local marine species and the physico-chemical environment. 

Another aspect of my work is studying discharges by examining the quantities and concentrations of brine released into the sea. My goal is to propose solutions to reduce their ecological impact, such as identifying softening technologies (ion exchange), dissolution methods, and verifying the chemical composition of brine. 

Is environmental protection a priority for you? 

I hold a master’s degree in marine biology, and protecting the marine environment has always been one of my core motivations for joining Seawards. Becoming part of a rapidly growing company dedicated to such a noble cause—and contributing to combating water stress worldwide—felt like a perfect match. 

And it’s all within an incredibly dynamic team where everyone is highly committed and naturally versatile. 


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