Les Echos: COP 27: 6 things to know about the “planetary limits

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The Stockholm Resilience Centre has identified 9 global limits that must not be exceeded in order not to compromise the conditions of life on Earth. Some of these limits have already been crossed. Here is an explanation of these limitations.

Monstrous floods, massive forest fires, unprecedented droughts and record-breaking heat waves follow one another at an alarming rate, testifying to the ongoing climate change. One of the objectives of COP 27, which ends on November 18, is to find answers to the threatening climate catastrophe and the collapse of biodiversity. In 2009, an international team of 26 researchers led by Johan Rockström of the Stockholm Resilience Centre defined the concept of global limits to establish a framework for action.

Since its creation, this scientific concept has evolved and is beginning to be recognized by many actors. Thus, organizations and states around the world refer to it to transform their way of operating. More and more companies are also using this educational tool to adapt their business model.


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