SEAWARDS is committed to fostering the harmony essential to life…


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SEAWARDS is committed to peace. 

The situation in Mayotte is one of those moments. The abandonment by public authorities of tens of thousands of people—men, women, and children—left behind and treated as invisible in Parisian offices, deemed fit only to survive under corrugated metal sheets. 
The cyclone came and went, but it is not the cyclone that kills; it is France’s neglect that destroys. 

The tragedy unfolding in Mayotte shines a harsh light on a sobering reality. The lack of sustainable infrastructure leaves the population vulnerable to natural disasters and worsens social tensions. 

The water shortage threatens more than crops or homes—it threatens human dignity. Women and children are its first victims, walking miles to fetch water. Where water is scarce, inequalities deepen, and communities fracture. 

Years ago, we committed ourselves to overcoming water scarcity and preserving peace. 

To better navigate scarcity, what could be more empowering than learning to embrace uncertainty? 

Living well despite the risk of water shortages requires stepping away from passivity—a mindset reserved for those who merely move from one crisis to another. 

We advocate for active solutions to address water scarcity. 

Providing water to those who lack it is to offer a chance for dignity, safety, and prosperity for all. 

This is the path we have chosen to follow. 
We work with humility and efficiency to serve our heroes… 
We strive for our heroes—those men and women who have the courage to trust and explore innovative, sustainable solutions that can benefit the greatest number and tackle the challenges of water scarcity worldwide. 

The lack of water compromises the freedom of men and women because it endangers life itself! 

We work to increase the water supply for the benefit of the many while respecting the environment. 
We work to bring reassurance to the people of the world. 
We work to propose alternatives to scarcity. 
We work to offer solutions to the risk of human misery. 

Increasing the water supply for the benefit of the many will, in many cases, help preserve peace. 


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SEAWARDS is committed to fostering the harmony essential to life…

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