SEAWARDS – 2024 

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“Democratizing seawater desalination to provide an efficient, economical, and environmentally respectful solution to the global water scarcity problem for the benefit of the many.” 

As 2024 draws to a close, it leaves behind numerous promises… 

The relentless efforts of our engineers, crowned with several awards, have enabled us to schedule the final two stages of our development. These include the installation of a prototype in real-world conditions in the early months of 2025 and the demonstration of our industrial efficiency by 2026, paving the way for the sale of our first desalination units. 

Earlier this year, an interministerial committee declared the Seawards project and the company Seanergy as winners of the Innov’Eau call for projects, spearheaded by ADEME and the French government as part of the France 2030 program. The decree was signed by the Prime Minister on July 2. 

The teams at ADEME and the French government have joined forces with Seawards to build an industrial alternative to the methods currently in use. 

By endorsing the quality of the work accomplished by our engineering teams and the solutions we are striving to mature, ADEME, the France 2030 teams, and the French government are opening the doors to the future. Their financial and operational support will facilitate the global deployment of desalination units using cryo-separation technology. 

In doing so, they reaffirm the President of the Republic’s commitment to industrial innovation. 

We are developing practical and effective solutions to fulfill our company’s mission: addressing global water scarcity, improving the sanitary and social living conditions of people around the world, and safeguarding their security. 

With this vision in mind, we extend our best wishes for health, prosperity, and peace in 2025! 


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